Writer of Steamy Romantic Thrillers


author nadia braeckel

Join us for a chat with Nadia Braeckel, author of the TULSA TIES series.



Tell us a little about yourself.


I’m 37, and I didn’t start writing until after I got married. Go figure. I have a son and I was raised by a Lebanese father and an American mom. Growing up, there were lots of differences, which meant lots of arguing. So to cope, I would journal a lot and get lost in my own imagination.


What inspired you to start writing fiction? And how did you end up choosing romantic thrillers?


Well, my first novel was actually a fiction novel based on true events of how my husband and I met. It wasn’t your typical love story, and it was a very dramatic time in my life. And I had no one to really talk to about it, so I wrote during that time and eventually turned it into a novel. Four books later, and I created an entire series out of it.


What’s your most recent published book about?


Twisted Ties. It’s hard to explain since it’s the last book in my series, but Natalya, the main character, has faced lots of challenges with her husband. On top of that, her ex, the one she never got over, comes back into her life. And the fourth book is about all those obstacles she faced coming to a head—but not everyone gets their happy ending without paying a price.


What has been the most challenging part of being an indie author?


Marketing. Writing is the easy part, but doing all the marketing, advertising, creating content, emails, etc., is overwhelming, so I recently just hired a PA to help with that stuff. My main focus is always my writing.


What has been the most delightful or fulfilling part of being an author?


Knowing someone out there has or will read your story! Money is great, but having someone soak up the words you put your heart and soul into… There is no other feeling like it!


What tips do you have that you’d like to share with newer authors?


This is a tough industry, so mentally you have to be strong and stay strong. It’s so easy to compare and get down, but if you remind yourself if you don’t give up, then you won’t fail and you will get there. It may take two years, five or ten, but that’s also why you have to be in the game for the long haul!


What was it like working with the team at Two Birds Author Services?


Awesome! They go above and beyond to make sure you are taken care of, and you can tell they truly care about their clients and want to see their authors thrive!


Where can authors and readers connect with you, and find your books?


My website is My books are on Amazon, of course, but I’m published wide so you can find my books all over the world.



And to connect with me, I have a reader group called “Nadia’s Naughty Readers.” I’m also on TikTok and Instagram. I have a Facebook page too. TikTok and my reader group are my main focus.


Is there anything we haven’t asked but that you’d like to add?


I like to snack on pistachios or pumpkin seeds while I write. 😉


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